
Jewish civil registry districts in Galicia

A map of all Jewish civil registry districts (żydowski okręg metrykalny) in Galicia existing between 1877 and 1909. If your family lived in small village or town without its own civil registry office, the map can help you to figure out in which nearby town/office they could register their births, marriages and deaths. The map lists 263 centres of the civil registry offices in Galicia from the time when the registration was passed to designated state officials.

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The map is based on the list published in: Michalewicz Jerzy, Żydowskie okręgi metrykalne i żydowskie gminy wyznaniowe w Galicji (Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 1995), 105–166.

Soon we plan to publish more maps useful in genealogy and thus to create a whole series of on-line, original maps.

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October 5, 2014